Oven-dried tomatoes on olive oil
Making Mediterranean delicacies is accessible to everyone. And what is a better combination than olive oil and tomatoes? The tomatoes from this recipe give each dish a meditarian taste. Spinach salad, a stew, a piece of meat, a cream cheese toast ... just make it. Of course, it's the best if you're lucky just like us having tomatoes from your own vegetable garden, there's no better!
The amount of the recipe is based on a full baking tray, but of course you can also make less.



About 1.5 kilos of ripe tomatoes
(Fresh) thyme and oregano
Coarse sea salt
Coarsely ground black pepper
Olive oil to store the tomatoes


  • Heat the oven to 100ºC
  • Cut the tomatoes into pieces. Make sure all pieces are about the same size.
  • Divide the tomatoes on a baking sheet coated baking tray and rub lightly with a kitchen paper to remove excess moisture.
  • Sprinkle the thyme, oregano, sea salt and pepper over the tomatoes and place the baking tray in the oven for about 3 hours.
  • After 2.5 hours look how far the tomatoes are dried. If necessary, reverse the tomatoes and remove the already well-dried ones. Place the remaining ones in the oven for another half an hour. We ourselves prefer tomatoes that are not dry, but still slightly moisturized on the inside.
  • When all the tomatoes are ready, remove the plate from the oven and let it cool down.
  • Fill a weck pot with the dried tomatoes and add the olive oil until the tomatoes stand under the oil. This way you can store the tomatoes for a few weeks, even though the pot is empty after a few days.
  • When the tomatoes are gone, use the olive oil as a dressing over your favorite salad or dip him it with bread.


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The dog days are approaching and with it the warmest period of the year. The olive trees have been able to prepare reasonably well with the rain that fell recently, but it could have been more. They can use it well because so far it looks like we're in for a good harvest. The trees are chock full of growing olives!

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